
Every little single details about me

I'm Rachel Tan Goh Li Yan, Fifteen this year. Currently studying in Presbyterian High. I'm currently single, but i still love T a lot. But i'm getting over her.. Slowly.. But I have plenty AWESOME friends like Ryan, Poyin & etc who were there when i always needed them. I like cartoons like Barney, Hello Kitty & Doraemon. I'm friendly & hyper. I may not be as perfect as you guys think. I know i'm not pretty but please keep all cruel comments to yourself.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

You can really make my heart melt like butter in an oven or cheese in a toaster or ice cream in hot weather

Super in love with twinneh. She's my favorite. She's the one who make me feel like going to church <3 

Woke up around 7 today. Was late. Mummy was pretty angry but i still drag myself out of my bed, faster prepared and head down. Jiangyan was so worried for me because i'm like a zoombie. Hehe. Oh i forget to mention that my Baby was such a sweet little pie. He sent me goodnight message while i was sleeping. Kinda long also. Woke up smiling, no joke. 

I was so tired seriously. Once i start working, customer kept coming non-stop. I've no chance to like sit down or slack. I'm so pissed with some of them. They freaking don't believe my calculation. Hello i have a calculotor, do you? I know the price, do you? So just stfu and pay me the amount i say. -.- 

Goh Heng Soon came and find me. I was shocked he came. I haven seen him for months. I jumped up and down when i saw him. I've no idea why i have this kind of reaction. I think mummy also happy for me to see me jumping up and down. HAHA. He gave me my angpao. Didn't expect he would give me 50 dollar. Like at least 20 dollar from him, i sure happy. But ohwell. :)

Worked till like 12 plus and head home. Was mad tired, wanted to collapse and sleep. But Poyin & Granny is here. :) So didn't sleep. Had lunch and Poyin & I was tired from our high-ness downstairs so we collapse and sleep. Baby was spamming my whatsapp as usual. But i keep wake up and reply him and go back to sleep. Such a good girlfriend right? :) JOKING. 

Was pretty unwell & gave him cold replies. I bet he was a little worried. But i was alright in the end, that's all that matters. Than now baby is having his steamboat while i'm here blogging. :( Ohwell, i'm really happy with him sumpa. :) I'm going to answer some fucked up questions some of my friends have been asking.

1. You using your current boyfriend as a replacement of Teresa?
Haha. Nope. I really love him. As in for Teresa case, you guys should know that i really loved her once. But she didn't appreciate it and left me. & You guys would be thinking how the fuck could i moved on so fast right? Honestly, i haven totally gotten over Teresa but in the other hand, i really love my current boyfriend right now. & I really want to treasure him and don't want to lose him like how i lose Teresa.

2. Would you still care and blog about Teresa?
Uhmm. It really depends. Cause honestly, i still do worried and care for her. As in like whenever i see her twitter i want to like text or whatsapp her asking her if she's alright. But i don't want to cross the line & its really very unfair for my boyfriend because he doesn't talk to his ex anymore. So why must i? Okay. Its a little different in this case. I do text and whatsapp her. But not every single day. Don't believe ask her.

3. Are you happy with your current boyfriend? 
Are you asking the obvious? HAHA. Although we start not long ago, But, i don't know how to describe how i'm feeling when i'm with him. He gave me the exact feeling how Teresa gave me. Or maybe gave me more love than Teresa. Uhmm, i shall not compare both of them. HAHAHA. Honestly, i really want to treat this relationship seriously. & he also need to prepare for his N's. As well as me. :) So i doubt we would like meet up often unless we study together or something? :) 

Ohwell, basically this 3 questions my friend kept asking me non-stop. Here are the answers. :) Whose excited for Valentine day? I am! <3 I'm already thinking what to give my boy. :) And for that surprise thingy, Is still going on. :) So i've to spend like so much money on two presents! :( I think that boy of mine would be so happy because he's everywhere on my blog. HAHA. I love you <3 Alright pictures of yesterday, not so much. :) 


Basically this are those NICE photos. The rest like unglam only. HAHA. Alright that's all. My baby sucha flirt. :( GOODBYE. 

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