
Every little single details about me

I'm Rachel Tan Goh Li Yan, Fifteen this year. Currently studying in Presbyterian High. I'm currently single, but i still love T a lot. But i'm getting over her.. Slowly.. But I have plenty AWESOME friends like Ryan, Poyin & etc who were there when i always needed them. I like cartoons like Barney, Hello Kitty & Doraemon. I'm friendly & hyper. I may not be as perfect as you guys think. I know i'm not pretty but please keep all cruel comments to yourself.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Promises are always meant to be broken, so only make promises if you could fufill it.

Woke up, i was really sick in the morning so basically i gave everybody BLACK FACE in the morning. So if i gave you a BLACK FACE in school today. I'm sorry. :x But things went better after sleeping for like 1 period. Without the teacher keep waking me up la. Of course. 
1st Period - History. I was sleeping through it. I'm tired super tired. & i'm the only one sleeping. :x HAHA. So very paiseh siaaaaa. But ohwell, i'm sick and very tired and i really wanna sleep. So don't blame me! 
2nd Period - English. Wlaoeh. I really damn sleepy sia. BUT.... Afterall it's english i can't sleep. I'm already freezing cold in the classroom. Miss Yong still bring us go computer lab. Wahhh. I freezing to death. So i anyhow scribble those assignment. 
On the way back saw Teresa, Ahchew say if want past things give her faster past later no chance. So i was like OHYAHORH. So i ran and took. Super stupid. :x Than pass to her lorh. HEN AWKWARD SIA. SERIOUSLY. But still, after passing more happy abit lorh. Than i somehow got back my mood. A little. BUT SHE FREAKING EH ME SIA. WLAO EH. I GOT NAME RIGHT. Nevermind~ 
3rd Period - PE. Height & Weight. Fuck sia. I grew shorter. Got this kind of logic want meh? :( Than Mr Chew did so much stupid stuffs. Super tiring but... somehow fun to me. :') 
RECESS - Didn't eat. Why? Canteen food aren't really attracting me to eat. & the queue are forever soooo long and i'm a lazy bum confirm won't queue up want lorh. So just sit there and nua and gossip. When up to class, wanted to like walk to go find her but took a peep she's with her teammates so i drop the idea. THAN in the end decided to go with MARHUIMIN. Soo yep, took the wallet from her. Uhmmm. It looks nicer than the picture eh. No joke. Actually... i really like it la. But... i don't know if i should use it anot ley. NEVERMIND
4th Period - SUPPOSINGLY ASSEMBLY. But today don't have so Miss Yong decide to decorate the class AS IN NEW YEAR. Hello. It'ss till so early but she's soooo kiasu. Sumpa. :x But ohwell, she's a nice teacher. We took a class photo and Miss Yong say she would blow it up. So it will be like behind our class. I look FAT. Okay. I am FAT la. So who cares. :')
After school, went to study with Gabrielle. Yes. We studied <3 With MARHUIMIN also lah. But we didn't really talk much lorh~ Just basically doing our own stuffs in the canteen. Than i went home lorh. AHHHH I FORGET SIGN OUT TODAY. WLAO NO 20 ROUNDS PLEASE. I RATHER DIE CAN. :'(((( I JUST FORGET... OHMYGOD. OHMYGOD. OHMYGOD. Hope Tan Lip Seng give chance. I DONT CARE. HAHAHAHA. 

Since i forget to do Day 3 yesterday so i'll do Day 3 & 4 today! <3 
Day 3 - A picture of you & your friend.

ITS TANGY <3 This is the only picture that both of us look so NATURAL. The rest is like..... I show you.. HAHA. Epic funny. I look effing fat but nevermind. I show you :')

All super unglam right. So let me tell you about him. 
1. He's the best guy friend i ever had
2. He knows me inside out. :)
3. He forever will be there for me.
4. He's the one who knows all of my secrets.
5. He meants everything to me. 
6. He's funny, caring & loving. 
7. He give me solution to my problems, sometimes, he even help me to solve it.
8. He help me pass message to Teresa when i'm in Hongkong.
9. He's just... forever there....
10. He's to perfect for me to describe. 
Other people might misunderstand that we're together, because we're freaking close. Many people are jealous that out friendship are so close. Honestly, i do get jealous when he had other great friends beside him and talks to him. Who wont? I'm very afraid of losing him as a friend. Let me tell you something, me and him never once quarrel before you know! Our past memories is super funny. I really never regret meeting such a great friend like him. No joke. <33

Day 4 - A habit that i wish i didn't have.
Wahhh. I have like.. plenty of bad habits. 
1. I hate that sometimes i'm really loud as in i talk loudly.
2. I hate that sometimes i act that i'm strong but i'm not at all.
3. I hate that when i lie, my friends know that i'm lying. :(
4. I hate that i always say i'm like on my way of doing something but actually i haven even do a single thing. 
HAHAHAHA. Is all this called bad habits? I don't know ley. :x But ohwell, Shall post till here! See ya tomorrow! Tuition in the morning & church in the afternoon! Weeeeee~~ 

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