
Every little single details about me

I'm Rachel Tan Goh Li Yan, Fifteen this year. Currently studying in Presbyterian High. I'm currently single, but i still love T a lot. But i'm getting over her.. Slowly.. But I have plenty AWESOME friends like Ryan, Poyin & etc who were there when i always needed them. I like cartoons like Barney, Hello Kitty & Doraemon. I'm friendly & hyper. I may not be as perfect as you guys think. I know i'm not pretty but please keep all cruel comments to yourself.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Live for yourself, not your self-image

Hello! I'm here to blog something interesting, ok lah. Not really interesting, just let you show some important people in my life. Wait wrong. " ONCE " Haha. Going to be.. lengthy though so if you guys aren't interested, don't read it. :) But before that let me tell you what i did today. Basically woke up and was just on my laptop the whole day. Yep. Didn't do any of my Social Studies. I'm going to be dead tomorrow. :x But who cares at least i'm done with like. 1 chapter. :x Jing yi came over and i pass her some stuffs and she went home. Basically, this is what i did for today. LOL!
So first up, i shall show you my first boyfriend i had which is like Primary 4 lah. I find his recent photos for you guys. Hahaha. He's really muscular now :@
1. Ernest Tan Jun Liang ( I remember his full name yo~ ) 
This is like his current profile picture! HAHA. Ohwell, How to say ley. He's the first guy i was once together with and so of course he's the most important person la. I hurt him like twice or maybe thrice. Really damn guilty but ohwell, He's happy with his life now. That's the most important thing. & sadly, we aren't friends at all. What's worst. I stopped talking to him like.... for months or maybe years. :( Honestly, i never forget everything i did with him. He's really very sweet. Sadly, i lost those stuffs he gave me :( My mum know about my relationship with him though. & he know that it's just puppy love so she didn't really bother. :) 

Up next, this guy abit different eh. It happen that my close friend boyfriend was his friend too & so his impression on my mind is still there.. Like i still can remember alot of stuffs about him & he's that guy my mother did contact too! Because of the runaway incident. But overall, if you think back, it's really interesting but embarrassing to look back though. But still wait, i only have this picture of him on my laptop. He deleted me away from facebook! :@ 
2. Pan Yong Cheng
As you can see, i really did loved him a lot during that time. But somehow i got over him real quick because of another guy because somehow they really look alike. No joke. But still i never forget that last day we meet. At hougang interchange. I really regret not hugging him like seriously. But ohwell, what's past shall remain as past. Don't you think so? 

Sooooo up next, this guy. He changed my life upside down. He's the guy that touched me and let me believe in love again. He's the guy that look like that guy up there.
3. Alvin Lee Jun Jie. 
He's the guy that motivate me to study because of his mum! :@ He's the guy that i will think about my future and i have to wake up from my dreams. He's the guy that tell me that not all guys are jerks and horny and their mind are all about sex. He's the sweetest thing ever. I love him so much.. till i become a BI or maybe LESBIAN. I really regret using him as a stepping stone for me to forget Ellen & Teresa and ended up i got him hurt and he really hated me alot. And now we aren't friends at all. But i have to accept the fact that he's gone. But i'll never forget those times we had together like seriously. 

So next, She's my first lesbian girlfriend. So she of course meant a lot to me too. :) And it happen that this time round, I did take photo with her <3 
4. Ellen Tan

Hohoho. This are the 3 best picture we took. She's so cute isn't she? With blonde of course. With other colours like kanasai. JOKING. She's really very very very very sweet but i never treasure her at all. :( GRRRRR. But nevermind. She taught me a lot of stuffs. Like seriously, never love two person at a time. She taught me never give up trying. She taught me everything is possible in this world. Although our relationship is full of arguments and stuffs BUT STILL, we do have alot alot alot of good memories. She's the first boyfriend that had met my brother & grandmother. NO JOKE. She's the first boyfriend that come my house so many times. HAHAHA. Ohwell, she's really a very good girlfriend. :( 

Sigh i bet this girl, you guys would be so familiar if you guys did stalked my blog like recently.. She's the girl that made me got interested in girls. So now i guesss.. I put a picture of her let you guys see? This is the cutest picture i have of her's that was once my phone wallpaper. But now.. i changed it because.. i see no point clinging on to you when your heart is with her already. :) 
5. Teresa Ong
I think there isn't a need for me to like say anything about her already lorh. It's like everyday on my blog. Just simply go read it. I don't wanna type it all out again. I just want to say, She's really.... very sweet sometimes. Honestly, everyone is. But today i look through all our conversations. Seriously, we're so lame. LIKE NO JOKE LEY. We can talk like weird stuffs. And ended up so funny. LOL! & we really made alot of promise and bets and punishments. From freaking 1000 kisses drop till like 446. HAHA. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW GREEDY I WAS MAN. But ohwell, it's really funny. I think she's the funniest girlfriend i ever had and maybe the most painful relationship i ever had. But it's worth it. No joke. 

Basically, this 5 ex meant the most to me. Yep, only this 5 ex. The rest i didn't treat it seriously. LOL. Because i could like get over within weeks. But all this i couldn't it take me months to get over. :)) Oooo, is this a lengthy blog post? Yes it is. I rather blogged about this than do on my Social Studies. :) I'm such a devoted blogger. JOKING. It's because i'm too free and too bored so i always blogged without fail! :) Ohyea~ Sean chua coming back on the 19th! Sibei excited! Like no joke. & i'm a little pissed off right now. The new tenant doesn't want my brother to be in the new house just because he's gay. Yes so what he's gay, He's still a freaking human being. I'm a BI too. So i'm not allowed to say there. What if you yourself have a child that is GAY. You'll understand how mummy is feeling right now. You think my mum want my brother to be GAY? No. She doesn't. She really want my brother to turn back. As well as me. I want my brother to turn back and me myself wants to turn back too. You think it's that easy. So please, you simply just spare a feeling of other people okay. Screw you. Whoever you are -.- I'm so pissed after mummy tell me that. So now where my brother have to stay? Road? He has to freaking rent a room and stay out again? Hell no. I don't want history to repeat again. Bryan had already left house twice. This aren't going to be the third time -.-

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