
Every little single details about me

I'm Rachel Tan Goh Li Yan, Fifteen this year. Currently studying in Presbyterian High. I'm currently single, but i still love T a lot. But i'm getting over her.. Slowly.. But I have plenty AWESOME friends like Ryan, Poyin & etc who were there when i always needed them. I like cartoons like Barney, Hello Kitty & Doraemon. I'm friendly & hyper. I may not be as perfect as you guys think. I know i'm not pretty but please keep all cruel comments to yourself.

Monday, January 9, 2012

I’m sorry I mistook all our laughs, long nights, sweet texts & inside jokes as you caring. I’ll think twice before wasting my time again.

I'm so fed up right up. In fact, fucked up. I've no idea why. You see, i put in so much, love her so much, what do i get back in return? Nothing. Wtffuck. I didn't say i'm regretting or what so ever. I never will lah. But seriously, you yourself said we could be back as friends like how we were before we get together, but what's this right now? You totally... ah forget it. I know i promise your girlfriend i wouldn't talk to you at all. Yes at all. But do you ever think i could? Do you think i can stop myself from texting you? I did tried. & It did happen. As in i didn't text you for a day. I'm relief i didn't text you too. It's like i simply can live without you. So yes. That's a good point. But fuck, you're the first person i thought of once i wake up. last person i thought of once i sleep. Why must i freaking... still love you so much. Everyday i asked that question to myself, I don't know la. Feel so fucked up because i'm still loving you so much but you.. already moved on LONG LONG AGO. 

So i guess it's really time for to move on too. Tomorrow is the freaking 10th. But i bet i would be like how i was in school today. My friends confirm all.... cannot take it. But too bad. HAHA. Alright shall tell you what happen in school today. I'm really not myself today. I don't know why. I'm laughing like a siao gina. Doing so much stupid stuffs. I'm just.. happy in a sense today. Meet up with Whitney at Ang Mo Kio mrt and go school together. She past me cookie. Smells really nice. So we trained to Yio Chu Kang. On the way there, there's freaking 2 ITE guy damn cute sia. We at same cabin somemore. HAHA. Damn awkward. But one stop only.. :(( Ohwell, Marhuimin was waiting for us so we walked to school together. And bascially this is it. Today morning devotion is the first time i listen. No joke. Although she very naggy la. Than while proceeding back to class. MARHUIMIN super irritating. HAHA. So i somehow pushed her and she somehow pushed the girl in front of her. I laughed non-stop. HAHAHA. No idea why. But before that we were bad-mouthing about someone laaaa. That part we already laugh like siao already. So yep. D&T lesson was... alright though. My topic for N's level came out. " OUTDOOR " So it's like... design something for outdoor usage and i haven really thought of what i want to do. BUT someone gave me an idea already. & i really love his idea alot :) Next was CHINESE. Boring lah nothing much happen also. Recess, Didn't happen to see Teresa during recess though. & KarEn & Nicole happen to sit behind me and i showed them something " funny " and we bursted out laughing. & Ahchew scolded me for being so bad. HAHA. I know i'm very bad la... But nevermind. That's not the point. Weekeat came down to somehow find me. But when he reached my recess already ended and i can't go down and find him & he's still angry with me till now ;( SIGH. Nevermind. I was playing with AWT till damn keesiao. Sumpa. HAHA. Like madgirl96. English was okok lorh. BUT I STAND UP FOR THE FREAKING WHOLE LESSON EH. WALAO. Maths damn funny. We studied for only like... less than 20 minutes than we have to go for the parliament thingy! The parliament thingy wasn't as fun as i thought though. The fact that i can see Lee Kuan Yew made my day. That's all. AND THE FACT THAT KAREN WAS THERE TOO. I freaking... feel like laughing whenever i see her face. And all she say is " Behave uh! " LOL! Seriously?!?! I think i got too high today than on the way back. I'm so tired. I literally sleep on the bus. Damn tired siaaaaaaa. Ray they all super noisy those express people also but i still manage to sleep. HAHAHA. This proves how tired i am. Wah today my blog post a little long and lengthy sia. I bet all of them will like sleep while reading. But ohwell. It's just what i did for today lorh! So yep <3

I know i no longer stand a place in your heart anymore. I know you don't love me anymore. All you have to know, no matter how you're treating me, how cold you are, i'll still love you. 

Day 6 Favorite Super hero.
I really love Spiderman alot. I've no idea why. Oh maybe because since young, i'm stayed at my guardian place. And his son really really really love spiderman alot. So i somehow also like Spiderman lorh. But he's so cute. Why won't people like him~ HAHAHA <3 

Day 7 A picture of something that leave a biggest impact on me.
Uhmmm. Honestly, every picture i take do affect me alot and leave alot of impact & impression on me. So ya. HAHAHA. 

Alright. Time to go. Thanks for reading babes. I will update tomorrow! <3333

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