
Every little single details about me

I'm Rachel Tan Goh Li Yan, Fifteen this year. Currently studying in Presbyterian High. I'm currently single, but i still love T a lot. But i'm getting over her.. Slowly.. But I have plenty AWESOME friends like Ryan, Poyin & etc who were there when i always needed them. I like cartoons like Barney, Hello Kitty & Doraemon. I'm friendly & hyper. I may not be as perfect as you guys think. I know i'm not pretty but please keep all cruel comments to yourself.

Monday, January 2, 2012

If you truly love someone, then the only thing you want for them is to be happy even if its not with you. Just let them be happy.

What did you guys did today? Me? Nothing. Seriously eh, i haven even finish my homework yet or maybe can say i'm not planning to do today at all. And just go school with presents for friends only. <3 Hope tomorrow would be fun sia. Like no games lah. Just heart to heart talk session with friends. That's what i want. I'm a busy woman tomorrow sia, meeting Cassan & Marhuimin in the morning. Than wait for Ahchew to reach school and have to go find my cousin. :((((( Wlao. Abit stressed to be in the same school as my cousin sia. It's likeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I don't want any family members to see my state in school. She confirm go home tell her dad, than make my mum damn malu & i don't want that to happen sia. :( Ohya, Mummy going overseas soon. HAPPY DIE ME. I'm excited for her to fly go other countries than i can go so high~~~ <333 Today... i want to do something special. Like post something special and i thought about... blogging about what i regret doing at 2011.
1. I've been so rebellious and left house. (Not really left, but i made everybody so worried)
That day, i had a quarrel with Mummy cause she's really being a bitch. So i went to CB MAC with Marhuimin, Ellen & Tangy. Jiangyan came over to catch me home. So i plan to like go home lorh with Marhuimin. Than pack my clothes and stuffs and faster run. HAHAHA. Not run laaaaaa, As in leave the freaking place. So i throw my clothes of bag down to Hongwei. Marhuimin help me keep my bag while i was talking to mummy on the phone. :x I'm really glad that Marhuimin was there like for me. So we went to hub and meet up with Priscillia. In the end.. i went to Priscillia house to stoned till like.... 2 plus than i jiu go home liao. Cause Bryan keep message me also! :( Irritating. So right... went home lorh. And locked in the room. Ignore those knockings in the morning, messaging coming from daddy, calls from mummy. I really hate my real dad. The fact that he know i ran away from house. He simply just past money to Lyn to pay for my cab fare back. Seriously? What a dad. But ohwell, this incident really change my mum attitude towards me. Somehow good, somehow bad.
2. Falling in love with a wrong girl.
Sigh, i can't really say wrong girl lah. I did enjoyed everything with her. Just abit sad that she isn't mine anymore, sad that we isn't as close as we are previously. Things aren't going as it planned to be right now. We don't text at all, we rarely whatsapp. :') I really hate the fact that all those promised we made, i have to treat it as nothing. Yes, nothing. I have to freaking see you & your current girlfriend being so sweet. & yes. i really hate the fact that i still do get jealous whenever i see what you guys are doing. & when you go so freaking emotion i would like worry and fuck, i know i shouldn't worry for you man. I know i'm no longer worthy too. I know you had really fallen in love with you. I know that day that whatsapp you said what's just something to make me smile and not emo. Right? Sigh. Ohwell, but still. Ya. I love you & i still do. Even if, you're gone. But seeing my love one being happy, i'll be happy for you too. Shouldn't i? Yep. I should. :)
3. Mistaken my good friends & almost lost her.
If you guys would know i had a friend, i almost lost her, I doubt her and stuffs. I didn't appreciate her at all. She's forever there for me whenever i need her, But me? I don't... When she's sad i can't do anything. All i do is give her attitude, ignoring her once i got someone to talk too. Most of all, she always do silly faces to make me laugh when i'm sad. Full of surprises from her. But all i do is... doubt her in the end because of something. Sigh, Even though we aren't as close as how we are now. Like ya, we aren't close like how we was. We rarely skype, we rarely text each other. :( Sighhh. I miss those times we had.. like last time.. :(((
4. I didn't really study hard for my end of years exam. :(
I regret not studying really very hard. Everything also last minute study. But lucky i did improve from my previous result. That's all that matters....

Basically, this are those few stuffs i really regret doing last year... But.. that part on falling in love with a wrong girl. If i have a choice to choose. I still would love her, but this time... i would treasure her instead. I wouldn't give her fucked up attitude. I wouldn't do the same mistakes as i did this time. I would give in to her whenever we quarrel. Not her to give in. Never make her cry & worried. Be a really good girlfriend. But ohwell, i'm dreaming. Yes dreaming. I have to wake up from my dream~~~ Sigh.. K la... I have to bathe and do my homework alraedy. Goodbye~~~

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