
Every little single details about me

I'm Rachel Tan Goh Li Yan, Fifteen this year. Currently studying in Presbyterian High. I'm currently single, but i still love T a lot. But i'm getting over her.. Slowly.. But I have plenty AWESOME friends like Ryan, Poyin & etc who were there when i always needed them. I like cartoons like Barney, Hello Kitty & Doraemon. I'm friendly & hyper. I may not be as perfect as you guys think. I know i'm not pretty but please keep all cruel comments to yourself.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Everything about you still lingers around, because i still love you.

So what's this post about? Its just all about B. Yes. Why? Cause i was thinking about her & i told myself. This would be the freaking last post i'm writing about her. From the next post onwards. There wouldn't anything about B anymore. But still, i'll be friends with her. :)
So, i shall tell you how i know her and stuffs and what we did through those one month & 6 days relationship. The first time i talked to her on facebook. Yes facebook! She added me up so, obviously i would like say....
Me: Thanks for adding.
She: Ur welcome! :)
Me: Intro? :)
She: Im Teresa 14, u?
Me: My junior isit? LOL.
She: Ur my senior????? I didn't know. :P i juz randomly add de.

That's how we started talking, I bet she didn't know. Or maybe she forget. I talked to her before my birthday which was on 8 May. Than i thought she was a guy, So i ignored. But..... suddenly, i think i find this person really cute & stalked her. Found out that she was a girl, & that time, i already had a mini-crush for her. :x A little too late to back out already. So, i took up my courage asked her to text me. Yes she did. <3 Haha. So yep, we talked for like... a few days. And on the 25th May i confessed to her. Sadly, she was attached to Ellen at that time. So yep, I didn't gave up. I really didn't. Instead, i fell deeper for her. Than i was a bitch. I spoilt her relationship between her and Ellen. I know she was upset for what i have done. But still, i wanted to care for her but i didn't. I kept everything to myself. Still months past, in fact, i still love her. Yeah, i freaking do....

Till i broke of with Ellen because Ellen think there's no point to continue because she knows my heart has Teresa. Yep, and we talked, we texted more frequently. Many people at that time already know i fell for you AGAIN. I remembered the first time i hear you talk it was at the canteen. When i was like... nua-ing on the bench with my legs on the chair talking to Mar and Gabrielle, & yes, you suddenly appeared behind and say " You don't want go library meh? " Something like that & you sat beside me. OMG. YOU SAT BESIDE ME. MY HEART WAS LIKE..... BEATING SO FAST LA. I than quiet down already cause abit awkward for you to be beside me when i'm completing my homework with the help of Gabrielle. Than at that time, i told Gabrielle everything about you. Than worst, got one night, i dreamt about you. I told Gabrielle... Gabrielle went to told you. That dream did happened. We kissed. We really did kissed. WHEN WE'RE DRUNK.

I didn't know what's wrong with me that day after i come back from Batam. I missed you so much when i'm at Batam so i asked you over to my place to drink that exact night when i came back. You came over. But we didn't do much on the first day cause things were really awkward, all i remember, we held hands to sleep & i actually wanted to kiss you, but i never.. <3 I was really very happy that night. Like being able to sleep next to you and of course, hold your hand and sleep when we're so mad drunk and tired. The next day when everybody have to wake up for school and work. You are such a lazy bum and said you didn't want to go to school, But in the end, i still dragged you for school & woke priscillia for work. That was the first time i go to school with you. YES. FIRST TIME. Although very awkward but still.. we did talked a little. That's all that matters. Than we drank again... This time round... we kissed... YEA WE FREAKING KISSED. Okay. I'm mad. The funniest part ever, You half-way said. " You want to go toilet. " I was like.. Okay... and i sat up and wait for you to come back i very scared you faint in the toilet cause you're freaking walking like a drunkard as you go into the toilet. So yep.... That's about it. Than we went to school together the next day again. This time round we did talked in the bus. BUT.... we didn't mention about what happen last night. TILL YOU TEXT ME BUT YOUR PHONE DOESN'T LIKE ME. :( So never receive my text. LOL. Nevermind.....

But after that night, that kissing incident, You treat me differently, You told me you want to hug me to sleep again. You told me that you worry for me and stuffs. But suaysuay, i went to Malaysia. :( Things start to change.. a little, we aren't really that close anymore... but we still do text. That's all that matters. Things between you & nicole wasn't really great because people found out about that night. During those time.. It really suck for me. It's like my fault you guys are breaking. Yes again... :( But still, seeing you so stressed, so depressed. I feel so damn useless. I don't know it seems that i didn't put in effort and it seems like i enjoy seeing you like this. Hell no. I don't like it at all. Not even a single little bit. I don't like to see you being sad and stuffs. But ohwell, i thought everything was one sided all this while..

Till, 10thNovemeber, We got together.. Yep. Sudden but still we got together. Maybe there's a saying goes the first few days of your relationship confirm will work well. Ya, i think so too. I remember we never quarrel during the first few days of our relationship. We were... like other couples on the street. Yes sweet. :) We could be able to talk about anything around this world. Crapping about anything. I know your heart still has Nicole when i'm with you. But i kept quiet. I didn't say anything, I let you tell me everything about Nicole when actually in fact. I'm jealous. Yes jealous that you still love her when i'm your girlfriend at that moment of time. Nevermind. :) That's not the point, I know... i talked to many people that you don't really like... Horny guys loved to talk to me i don't know why. & always i'm their victim. Like there's so many other pretty girls.. why me? But still, we did quarrel a little because of this.

But it turned out well in the end, I remembered you said you would get gongcha for me when it was already... 12 - 1plus. I was like.. Crazy girl. So late also close already. Abit brainless but still i love her <3 Not only that... I remembered i promised her, i won't make her pissed and sad like how her other ex did. I broke that promise. I made her pissed, I made her sad. I think i really failed. :( I missed those times when we call each other super many weird names. Okay hell funny. I don't even know why i call her chicken. LOL. I wanted to call her cow. But chicken seems cuter. Don't you think so? LOL. Get back to topic.... Than we went out to Pasir-ris just to get some stuffs. Hell stupid but i love the trip. <3 Because... i don't even know she listening to music or what. Listen music still can hear what i'm talking.  Maybe i talk a little too loud la. HAHA. Than the funniest thing is she wore sunglasses! IN THE TRAIN! How cute right, but ohwell. We dropped off and we alight from the bus. Okay close friends will know.. I fall down easily. Yep. i almost fell she goes " Aiyo. careful abit lah " something like that. Than we held hands. Okay. That's the freaking first time we hold our hands outside okay! So i'm really happy. 

Than you started telling me about you hoping your teammates would approve our relationship. I was a little touched that you took such a great step into thinking about letting your teammates to approve it. I never expect that you would. So ohwell, we went to get some stuffs and you keep playing hide and seek. Really bueytahan you. &&& we compare our height & our hand size. But still. The train ride with you was really awesome! <3 That goodbye hug was very short that day cause i'm alighting. So you promised me you would give me a longer hug next time! HAHA. Than we didn't meet for a period of time because i went to Malaysia. :( I really miss you so much when i'm there like seriously. We did quarrel alot when i'm there cause maybe really jealousy really kills alot.

But still, every arguments end well. :) Although... we did somehow break when i'm there. I cried like a mad person. :( But still, we didn't. You was sweet enough to ask for stead again <3 Than somehow, we talked about Billy & when you know he called me Mummy. You want to be his daddy too! I really find you damn cute that day. Than you said you wanted to hug him cause you know about his sickness.. Than i told you he would run away when you want to hug him than you said i wont run away can already. Hehe. I don't know why the fuck would i remember all this. Yes. Every single word you say. :) It's like.. things changed a little when you started texting her. Yep, But still, you was really sweet lah <3 Spamming me when i fell asleep, you calling me your fiancee & most importantly, you promised me you would get me a ring! :( 

Ohwell time flies when i'm there and i finally got back to Singapore. Gosh. & i finally able to meet you that day. :( But sadly, you have training and so i went out in the afternoon and waited till you end training and meet you at Sembawang mrt station and send you home. Although, the walking distance was really short. But still i love the time walking closely with you & you started asking me something so weird that day, Remember? You said " You really telling your brother about our relationship? " Its like. Ya. I wanted to tell him. But i know his reaction for sure not good want. Cause my brother doesn't want me to walk the same path as he is. Because in fact, he can't turn back. But i still could. 

Sigh, but still, its okay. We went out again. This time round, she talk sooooooooooo much. HAHA. & she made spoil one of my cupcake :( YOU MUST NEVER LET HER TAKE STUFFS. & she told me she saw a ring damn nice in woodlands. LOL! Cause she suddenly say that when she saw a ring shop beside us and asked if we want to go in anot. I was like. SHENJINGBING. Than she was an asshole, she wanted to walk home. So bobian walk home lorh. Hen tired ley. :( Than the funniest part is we compete who walk the slowest. HAHA. We love to do lame things i swear. This time round the goodbye hug was longer a little. & That's the last hug i got from her. Ya. The last hug. :( She was like " Take care uh " Cause i'm going Hongkong the next day already. :( I could never forget that hug.. I swear... The smells and the feeling still lingers around me till now. I'm not joking. 

When i'm in Hongkong more arguments took place. She went for vietnam. We can't celebrate our monthsary together. Nevermind. :) This time round a little different, i lost trust in her after she did something and the trust issue really hinders alot in our relationship. And soon things ended. Yep we ended cause it's like she feel damn stressed and stuffs and she decided to run away from the problems. I'm alright with what she wants as long as she's happy. Ya i always wanted her to be happy till now. Even when she decided to leave me i was really heartbroken at first. But than she suggested being friends and get back the feeling we once got & patch when school reopen. I already know that we wont even patch at all. This is life. :') Soon enough, we still do quarrel as friend. You started changing. Ya. You've changed if you realise. Everything just... went so different & i know in my heart, you're going to be gone. Yes gone. I was right, you & her got together. As expected. & worst, on the day i once confessed to you? Ohwell, i think you had forgotten. It's okay. :) 

What i really like about now is, we somehow got as close as how we were before we got together :) We talked like... crap. SERIOUSLY. Like yesterday. Sumpa. I laugh like a mad woman. I would screenshot if i could, but suay suay my memory card spoilt. Although the part on she being very sweet with her did got me jealous. Yes i still do get jealous because i freaking still love her. Although memories faded a little, but there's still some in my head. :( Sigh. As promised i would get over her right? :( I'll try okay. I'll really really try. What i wrote in that letter for her.. i don't know if i should past it together with the stitch not ley. I doubt so horh. ;x Don't spoil the closeness we have now. HAHA. We're friends horh. ONLY FRIENDS NOW. & she treat me as a sister! YEAH! It's really weird for having an ex as your friend & as your sister. But i don't want to lose her what. So that's the only way. Ok lahhhh. That's all. :) It's a very long post right? :))))) 

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