
Every little single details about me

I'm Rachel Tan Goh Li Yan, Fifteen this year. Currently studying in Presbyterian High. I'm currently single, but i still love T a lot. But i'm getting over her.. Slowly.. But I have plenty AWESOME friends like Ryan, Poyin & etc who were there when i always needed them. I like cartoons like Barney, Hello Kitty & Doraemon. I'm friendly & hyper. I may not be as perfect as you guys think. I know i'm not pretty but please keep all cruel comments to yourself.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Do you remember, you once said i'm yours?

So yep, i changed my template. It still looks horrible. I'll change it soon. :'( Was busy today... Cause mummy did muffin. Super fail. LOL! Cause we aren't using a oven so we don't know how to do and stuffs. I did quarrel with a lot of people today, Teresa? Somehow quarrel. Ellen? Yep we did. Wellington? Ya. We did. That's not his real name but i love calling him Wellington. HEHE. Cute what.
Uhmmm, How to say ley. I find this guy really hot. But... I'm really afraid what he said were lies and stuffs. I almost fall for it. I SWEAR. And what's worst. Today his " Morning sunshine " really made my day. I took up my courage and send T something just now. Wellington gave me courage, Some other people gave me courage to send it too. I send it knowing that the reply i get back won't be good. Yep. I was right. I was... not expecting that answer but still accept the fact that we may not be able to get back together. Anymore... I tried to bring myself to hate her. I really did. But.... i can't in the end. Wellington told me, No point holding on to something that's not worth it. I was like thinking. SHE'S WORTH IT LEY. Soooooo i jiu send lorh. Okay la i'm mad. I'm taking years to blog because basically i'm skyping with someone. So ya. I'm really tired today and i want to sleep. Watching Sherlocks Hormes tmrw. Whatever it's spelt. Hope its nice. Hehehehe. I wanted to blog something interesting today. But i'm really... tired. So i'm going to sleep. Since that Retarded boy went to sleep too, so why not me? :) Shall blog tomorrow. Something really special. <3

/ I know i'm no longer in your heart anymore. I know you love her more than me. I know i'm not perfect. I know i'm fat and ugly. I know you know i love you alot. I am so hurt.. very hurt everytime i talk to you. Stress? I give you stress. You were never happy when you are with me. Why am i still so stupid hanging on to you? I'm tired. Really tired. Super tired. I want to forget you, to move on. But fuck. I can't i really can't. :( I really want to be a really very good girlfriend all those while. But i think i failed... Failed terribly... Sigh.... I'm such a failure, i can't even let someone i love so much stay with me and i have to see her falling for other girls. I really sucks. I think i shouldn't even be attached anymore. I swear my next boyfriend would be feeling and doing the same as what she's doing. But you know what, i will not give up, no matter how... tiring, how hurting all these are. I'll be waiting.... 

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