
Every little single details about me

I'm Rachel Tan Goh Li Yan, Fifteen this year. Currently studying in Presbyterian High. I'm currently single, but i still love T a lot. But i'm getting over her.. Slowly.. But I have plenty AWESOME friends like Ryan, Poyin & etc who were there when i always needed them. I like cartoons like Barney, Hello Kitty & Doraemon. I'm friendly & hyper. I may not be as perfect as you guys think. I know i'm not pretty but please keep all cruel comments to yourself.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dedication Post!

Hinky-Pinky! <3
Aww, How can i not love her when she's forever at my house EVERYDAY. I guess we're like going to be sister soon man! I really enjoyed everytime when i'm with her. & of course i was touched by her that long long letter she gave me when i was crying because of Priscillia. She really was there whenever i need her. I always niam her about Dear and she keep disturb me everyday, every minute, every second. I can't believe i'm going Hong Kong & Korea with that lovely bitch! I bet everyday we will camwhore.. talk through late nights, go shopping everyday! Wakaka. I'm really happy knowing her since kindergarden. I really very happy that my mum would be in such a good r/s with her mum. Like obviously, which parents would contact like for 9 years just because of their children! Ok la. Seriously, no words could describe how much she meant to me. :)

Hey Pris, i bet you doesn't even know i dedicate for you this, i'm really sorry for making you upset all this while, I'm sorry for neglecting you once i talk to Teresa. I'm really sorry for always ignoring you. Most of all, i never regret meeting you. You were the want who was always available for me. You were the want who tell me to turn straight. You were the want who taught me many many stuffs. You were the want that let me gain back my smile. I don't even know if you still do keep that letter that i wrote for you.. Because.. Ya. i treat you as a sister. I know i did like you before but all i know is i treat you as a sister now. And now.. i can't even have a proper talk with you because basically. I know you hate me. :( Sigh. I'm really sorry & of course thank you for all those wonderful memories you gave me. Thanks for giving me that Barney. Whenever i look at it. It simply just remind me of you. Last but not least.. I really love you as a friend..
Hey bitch, Thanks for always being there for me whenever i need you. You're SUPER WONDERFUL. Although sometimes i got irritated by you because YOU EVERYTHING ALSO WANT TO KNOW. But nevermind, That's what friends are for. :) I know we drifted alot since my mum came back from Hongkong. But i'm sure that we would drift back like how we were once my mum is gone! HAHA. Joking. Thanks for keeping a secret for me & her. I really love you. I'm sorry for not being able to give you a birthday present now! You shall see it for yourself on the first day of school. :) Don't be surprise eh. I already had in mind what to get for you. SINCE, you're the only person that could read my mind SUPER EASILY. Thanks for always giving me good advice in whatever i do. THOUGH SOMETIMES YOU REALLY SUPER DUPER GUAILAN. But still, i love you for what you are. :)
Ahchew! <3
I'm really sorry i don't really have ALOT PICTURES of you. I know we drifted SUPER MUCH since Sec 1. I'm really sorry for not being able to cheer you up like how i used too. I'm really sorry for always bullying you. KAKA. I really pray hard that you could get over THAT JERK. I really hope that you will continue telling me all your secrets if not i skin you alive. OKAY JOKE. Who would bare to skin you alive sia. HAHAHAHA. K la. Thanks for always telling me what to do & stuffs. Thanks for cheering me up when i'm sad. I really miss the time when we gossip, miss the time when we scribble stuffs on our crap book, miss the time when after school we go stalk guys at hub & i go get number from them, miss the time when you come over my house and me & san would doll you up so tht you can meet your "BOYF" Haha. K la.. Thanks bitch for always being there for me. I love you babe! <3
Omg la. I SUPER LOVE YOU. *MUACKS* Haha. Joking~~ That's the nicest picture we took together. I'm serious. Let's meet up soon kays! I want to niam everything to you & hug you really really really really tight! HAHA. We didn't meet like for half a year already sia! :( You're getting prettier & prettier YOU STUPID BITCH! :( I bring my girlf go find you k! Show off yixia~~ JOKING LAAA. I want date with you ourself only. :) HOR. DONT BRING ANY LIGHT BULB IF NOT I SKIN YOU ALIVE. KAKAKA. I really miss the time when.. during the walk i'm really not feeling very well and you held my hand and we walk together. DO YOU REMEMBER?!?! I remember horh! I really miss the time when we would bus home after church.. AND WE TALK MANY MANY NOSENSE. & i will tell you about my boyfriend! REMEMBER?!?! HAHA. && I really like it when we whatsapp out of nowhere and i will tell you how sad i am & you would give me good advice. Twinneh, I really never regret meeting you, i never regret being friend with you. MAYBE i don't stand so much in you. BUT YOU KNOW I EVERYTIME WILL THINK OF YOU WANT NOT! :( I won't even be lesbian if i didn't know you. I'M SERIOUS. HAHA. K laaaaa. I LOVE YOU, WE REALLY HAVE TO MEET UP SOON HORH. :)
Thanks bitch for going through thick & thins with me through this freaking 9 years with Poyin. And somehow through this 9 year. All of us change so much & of course we do drift apart. We aren't close like we used too. AND THE PATTERN OF ME AND YOU IS. CONTACT FEW DAYS. THAN GONE ALREADY. HAHA. But still, thanks for always being such a cute little girl. Thanks for always disturbing me. Thanks for always cheering me up. SOMETIMES. HAHA. Thanks for always being so funny. I'll never forget the times when you stay over at my place. I'll never forget the times when we go to church together. Basically, i'll never forget anything of yours! :) HEHE. I love you bitch! <3
I seriously trust that bitch up there so much. Although... We don't get along very well all the times, but still she knows most of my secret. Though sometimes she really very bitchy, but still she's my friend. Although other people thought that our clique always bully her. Ya. It's the truth but still we do have wonderful memories together, BEFORE. When four of us tends to hang out together after school. Hey San, maybe you'll never know how much i trusted you all this while, You know i always want to tell you everything but.. it just seems that you are hiding stuffs from us. SOOO. I felt distance & really felt a little bit difficult to communicate with you BUT STILL I LOVE YOU. HAHA. <3
How can i not write about him ley! He's my BEST GUY GAY FRIEND EVER. HAHAHAHA. Thanks for always being there for me when i cry. Thanks for always giving me good & lame advice. Thanks for buying for me ice-cream yesterday! KEKE. Thanks for always gossiping with me. Thanks for being such a good-listener. Thanks for always letting me vend my anger on you. Thanks for EVERYTHING LA. I'll never forget how both of us get so close. I hope nothing between us drift horh! If not i skin you alive also. I'll get you present as promise when i go hongkong. PLEASE FIND SOMEONE STABLE HORH. & thanks for always supporting in whatever i do. No words could describe how much you meant to me, like SERIOUSLY.

Lastly, my dedication would be to my girlfriend la OF COURSE. But since our r/s is LOW PROFILE. I wouldn't put her face here. :) I really don't know what to say sia. I everyday also tell you how i feel already. HAHA. JOKING. Thanks for being so sweet to me when you don't look like those type at all. Thanks for stalking my blog when i don't even know you do. YOU STALKER. Thanks for always worrying for me and stuffs. I'm really sorry if i get bossy & picky sometimes. I'm just pure jealous that you're texting YOUR EX & Some other girls la. HAHA. But still, I'm really sorry for not being able to spend Christmas & new year with you & of course. Our monthsary! :( That's so heartbreaking. BUT YOU ALSO AT VIETNAM. SOOOO. Is okay! We'll celebrate our 2nd monthsary together! HAHA. Anyway, I love you dear. You'll never know how much i love you k! Don't drink & smoke already horh! If not i really angry you for life. :)

Alright, that's all for the dedication. I can't think who else i should dedicate for. That's all. I post till damn pekchek. SO BE HONOURED HORH. :)

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