
Every little single details about me

I'm Rachel Tan Goh Li Yan, Fifteen this year. Currently studying in Presbyterian High. I'm currently single, but i still love T a lot. But i'm getting over her.. Slowly.. But I have plenty AWESOME friends like Ryan, Poyin & etc who were there when i always needed them. I like cartoons like Barney, Hello Kitty & Doraemon. I'm friendly & hyper. I may not be as perfect as you guys think. I know i'm not pretty but please keep all cruel comments to yourself.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's just so not me anymore.

Today blog post would be lengthy..  Because.. I feel like writing out how i really feel.
1. Whenever you start giving me late replies = I would think so much, EXAMPLE: "What she's doing that could keep her from texting me? " & " Is she like.. texting other people and want to ignore me because i'm really irritating? " I know you're busy sometimes but i just really want to text you, you know.. :(
2. Whenever you give me cold replies = I would like think maybe you don't feel like texting me or getting bored of me.
3. Whenever we quarrel = It would always be the time when you would give me long replies, spam messages. That's the time when i think you really care for me. That's the time when your attention would be on me.
4. Whenever i'm waiting for your message first but you didn't text me at all = You don't miss me at all.
5. Whenever my head is all filled with you = Do you even miss me as much as i do?
6. Whenever i look through our photos- = Could we like go back to how we were? When we're really sweet and caring towards each other? When i won't give attitude, When your attention is all on me.
7. Whenever you vend anger on me = Did i do anything wrong that you have to vend on me? I know i do sometimes, but i'm not vend-ing you as much as i did right..
8. Whenever you don't seems to care me = Do i still stand a place in you? Or maybe.. Did i ever stand a place in your heart..
Basically all this are all the questions & how i feel whenever you did all those stuffs. Do you know how frustrating i would feel? Do you know how much i love you as i said a million times.. Now let me tell you what i miss about you or maybe us.
1. I miss the time when we talked over the phone.
2. I miss the time when we see each other & we would hugged each other really tight.
3. I miss the time when you would demand a goodbye kiss whenever we separate
4. I miss the time when you would hold my hands really tight.
5. I miss the time when we would care each other.
6. I miss the time when we text each other everyday.
7. I miss the time when your attention is all on me.
8. I miss the time when you would hold my hand in the cinema.
9. I miss the time when you would give me a sudden hug out of nowhere.
10. I miss the time when you call me baby.
11. I miss the time when you teaches me chemistry but i never listen at all.
12. I miss the time when you would share your trouble with me.
13. I miss the time when you would comfort me when i cry.
14. I miss the time when we're deeply in love with each other.
15. I miss the time when you would always tell me what's right & wrong.
16. I miss the time when you get jealous easily.
17. I miss the time when you would ask me what's wrong if i go quiet all of the sudden.
18. I miss the time when you would stalk my blog, twitter & facebook.
19. I miss the time when you would spam my wall with all your face and wallpost.
20. I miss the time when you say " i love you "
21. I miss the time when you would sing over the phone no matter how awful your singing skills are.
22. I miss the time when you would stay up the whole night just to talk to me.
23. I miss the time when you would send me long text on our monthsary.
There's more. but.. That's all in my head now. Sigh. Basically.. I miss so much things we once did together, I miss those stuffs that you did to make me smile. Maybe we would drift that much is all because we didn't meet for a period of time & now let me tell you how much i change once i know you.
1. I become a happier person.
2. I become someone which understands my friends more.
3. I become someone that everyone would look for me whenever they are having problems.
4. I become more sociable.
5. I become more sensible in a sense.
6. I become more emotional.
7. I become more bossy though.
8. I become more attention-seeker.
9. I become someone that demands stuffs.
10. I become more hardworking in my work.
Basically, that's how much i changed. That's how much you affect me. I wonder if you would see this. But i seriously hope you would see though. That's all. Bye.

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