
Every little single details about me

I'm Rachel Tan Goh Li Yan, Fifteen this year. Currently studying in Presbyterian High. I'm currently single, but i still love T a lot. But i'm getting over her.. Slowly.. But I have plenty AWESOME friends like Ryan, Poyin & etc who were there when i always needed them. I like cartoons like Barney, Hello Kitty & Doraemon. I'm friendly & hyper. I may not be as perfect as you guys think. I know i'm not pretty but please keep all cruel comments to yourself.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Well the truth hurts and lies worse

Hey peeps, school today was FUN. Seriously, no joke. I laugh like a mad lady. Oh wait, i laugh like mad every single day. But today, seriously is the best of all. I love Chinese class the most. Although Li MIng Zhu sometimes very asshole but today.... WAH. NO WORDS CAN DESCRIBE MAN. I know it's really rude for a student to call a teacher by his/her full name. BUT FOR ME. I always call My chinese his full name. And today i called him till damn funny like the part on " zhu " is freaking long. So it's really sound funny so i laugh like crazy, he himself also laugh okay! That's the cutest part. Than my nose super irritating, have to keep going to the toilet and grab tissues. I took my book along because i'm really afraid he will tear my answer sheet away. So i'm like walking here and there through out the chinese lesson. But happen to see her lah. But ohwell, her blur face as usual. But KarEn scare me at the popular. :'( I freaked out eh. No joke. :( CF today was about the poly thingy. Uhmm. i guess i really want to go either NYP or TP or maybe.... RP. I've no idea yet. Still deciding. From today i have like 5 tuitions eh. I ownself want it. So it's like MONDAY- CHEM. WEDNESDAY- ENGLISH. THURSDAY- MATHS. FRIDAY- CHINESE. SATURDAY- PHYSICS. HAHAHAHA. Effing excited for those tuition <3 That's basically what i want to say. But this video touched me a lot... There's two part on it.


It's really very sad okay. He died on last year christmas from what Poyin tell me. So why not treasure what you have now? Don't you think so? For him he rather be in that dream than waking up. But if he didn't wake up from that, we wouldn't know that such things exist in this world don't you think so? :) I really want to be as strong as him. He could overcome all this with his sickness and still choose to smile through everything. Why must i even be so sad over a relationship right? Alright than. That's not only what i want to say. Another part, for her...

Hey girl, i know that whatsapp doesn't meant alot or maybe meant anything. But still stay strong alright? I know we're friends. Yes friends. And just simply friends all this while and for the rest of my secondary life. :) As i said like few days ago, i'm going to overcome you. Yeah. Overcome you in progress! LOL! As in somehow, i do remember what we did and stuffs and do missed it but i know we could NEVER go back to how we was. :) I know now you and your girlfriend aren't really very well but still, don't be sad ok? As you promised you wouldn't be sad & you have to be strong. :) I'm always there if you need someone to talk too, and you can come over my place anytime you want. WHEN MY MUM NOT AROUND LA OF COURSE~ Friends are the best when you need someone to talk too. :) It's not that i stopped loving you, i still do somehow.. even if i somehow overcome you, i still would love you, even if i have any boyfriend i'll still will love you. HAHA. That's simply.. how much i love you. AND though so many people ask me to move on. I STILL HAVEN MOVE ON!~ :@ But i think everything would be worth it in the end because one message from you would simply make my day even if its only " kays. " 

Day 10 - Songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped and mad.
Sad? Timothy Bloom - Possibilities
Happy? Owl City - He is we 
Bored? Owl City - Vanilla Twilight
Mad? Christina Perri - A thousand years
Hyped? The Wanted - Lightning 
Basically yep, all this song. <3 That's all for today i'm going to do my homework now. My boyfriend is effing cute today. But.. i never said that three word to him at all. NO JOKE. HAHAHA. I love you 10th.. I really... love you... But... Goodbye~ 

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